Our innovative method of chaff removal from freshly roasted coffee beans not only preserves their original freshness but also enhances their flavor profile to bring out the best taste.

Did you say Chaff?

Chaff, often referred to as silverskin, is the papery, flaky layer that surrounds the coffee bean and can sometimes leave a bitter taste in the final product. Removing chaff from coffee beans can help to enhance the taste and aroma of the coffee.

By removing the chaff, you are able to create a smoother, purer, and less bitter coffee that really allows the flavors and aromas of the beans to shine through.

Chaffless Center Cut Coffee

We're delighted to unveil the availability of our exclusive Chaffless Center Cut Coffee seal—a symbol of excellence for our partners and their customers. This emblem represents our commitment to offering a coffee experience that's unparalleled in smoothness, purity, and reduced bitterness.

In an industry where quality and flavor reign supreme, our commitment to enhancing the coffee experience sets us apart. We understand that the perfect cup of coffee is not just about the bean itself, but also about the meticulous process from harvest to cup. This understanding led to the development of our revolutionary 'Chaffless Center Cut' technology.

Our proprietary Center Cut method is a testament to our dedication to delivering the smoother and purer coffee experience possible. This unique process does not stop at merely removing the chaff, but it also ensures that the beans retain their original freshness while enriching their natural flavors. We believe that once you've tasted the difference, your perception of coffee will be forever changed.

We serve food and beverage brands across North America with our unique Chaffless Center Cut coffee. Our patented process, which removes up to 99% of chaff from coffee beans, is ready to elevate your coffee experience.

If you are interested in Chaffless Coffee, you have two convenient options to take advantage of this innovative process: you can either send us your freshly roasted beans to be center cut and then packaged, or you can select from our range of premium beans to be processed with our method.

Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to enhance our services. We are eager to share the unparalleled quality of Chaffless Center Cut Coffee with you and look forward to providing an exceptional coffee experience to all our customers.